
Now there have been two presidents impeached in my lifetime. Bill Clinton is kind of special to me, because he was the first president that I was old enough to pay attention to. I remember when he was impeached. Back then, the party configuration of the government was reversed, with Republicans, led by Newt Gingrich, controlling the House, and Democrats controlling the Senate. I was just thinking of how ironic it is that back then they impeached Clinton for lying about a sexual affair, and now today Republicans are united behind someone like Donald Trump, who lies almost constantly about easily provable things, and has had multiple sexual affairs, which he’s bragged about publicly.

I’ve written before about the alliance that has occurred between white nationalists and Christian theocrats and how scary I think it is. Other people who understand these things better than me have written better things about it. It seems like there’s nothing Trump can do to lose the support of the so-called Moral Majority. Clinton’s personal sexual behavior was absolutely our business, according to them, but it’s OK that Trump had an affair with a porn star right after his wife gave birth to his son.

Mitch McConnell has already said that the Senate trial will be a mere formality, and they’ll acquit Trump as quickly as possible. If Trump has done nothing wrong, if he really didn’t try to get another country to meddle in our elections, then why not have a fair trial? Surely that would then prove his innocence. The only explanation I can think of is that they know that Trump did all the things that the Democrats say he did, and they still want to stick behind him anyway. Perhaps Trump really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support. They’d probably say the guy he shot had it coming.

It seems like Republicans don’t really believe in anything anymore besides Us vs. Them, so as long as Trump is a Republican, they’ll back him no matter what. I don’t know what values or principles they have anymore besides that.

It’s not very different from how conservative Christians view the world. Anyone who isn’t a Christian, or even anyone who isn’t the right kind of Christian, is pure evil and deserves to burn in Hell. You can be the nicest Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Heathen, Wiccan, or atheist who ever lived, and still go to Hell just because you’re not a member of the right religion. On the other hand, if you are a member of the right religion, you can do pretty much anything you want and you’ll be forgiven.

What you do doesn’t matter, it only matters what “side” you’re on.

I could be experiencing a bit of postpartum depression here, so now I feel a bit bad about making a pre-Yule post that’s so depressing.

Yule is about how we’ve made it halfway through the dark, and the winter will not last forever, and spring will come. Sometimes that’s harder to believe than other times. I worry about my little baby daughter and what kind of country and world she’s going to live in.

Tonight is another Democratic debate. Any of these people would be better than Trump, but I also worry about the 2020 election either way. Either he’ll be re-elected (possibly with more help from Russia), or he won’t be and his rabid followers were be in an uproar and probably say the election was rigged by the Deep State.

It’s nice to hear people talk about taking climate change seriously, or trying to fix our broken healthcare system, but is any of that really going to get done?

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